Select this option to search between the above File list and another File list. After selecting all desired options, click Next to move onto the next File list.
.topic 100
Clicking OK accepts the action and closes the dialog box.
.topic 27
This field displays a list of file names and the actions you are about to perform against them.
.topic 7
Opens a dialog box where you can select folders for the search operation.
.topic 12
Select this option to restrict the search to only file names.
.topic 26
This field displays a preview of the selected file. Note: the preview feature only works with image files.
.topic 15
Select this checkbox to find only image files.
.topic 25
This list displays the names of the duplicate files. From here you can right-click on an image and select from a variety of options in the shortcut menu.
.topic 4
This File list contains files and folders where to search against. If you have selected the option to search between this list and another list of files, this list will be compared to a second File list. After selecting all desired options, click Next to move onto the next File list.
.topic 23
Selecting these options automatically deletes all files that originated in either the first or second File list. This option is available only if you search for files between two lists.
.topic 14
Select this checkbox to have the search include subfolders of the folders selected above.
.topic 8
Select a file or folder and click Remove to remove it from the File list.
.topic 5
This File list contains files and folders that are compared against the first File list.
.topic 104
Opens the help file.
.topic 22
This field contains the sets of duplicate files. Click on a file name to display the individual files in the Delete/Rename field where you can perform delete and rename operations.
.topic 10
Select this option to search for duplicates within the above File list.
.topic 9
Select a file or folder and click Modify to open a dialog box where you can substitute another file or folder.
.topic 102
Click Next to move to the next dialog box in sequence.
.topic 24
Select Custom to rename files or manually choose which ones to delete.
.topic 101
Clicking Cancel closes the dialog box without saving any changes.
.topic 6
Opens a dialog box where you can select files for the search operation.